We currently live in an era in which we are exposed to high levels of stress, job demands, skills, beauty standards and thus a myriad of life models that we want to achieve, regardless of how much we are sacrificing, or how our own is responding. body to these demands to which it is subjected. Eating disorders do not escape being a consequence (in a percentage of their cases) of these factors. Have you ever suffered from any type of eating disorder? Do you know someone who has suffered or suffers from it?
According to data from the National Eating Disorders Association, up to 30 million people are believed to suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia in the United States alone.
The eating disorder can wreak havoc throughout the body through widespread nutritional deficiencies.
Compared to other mental illnesses, anorexia nervosa has one of the highest death rates of all. Treatment for anorexia must address both psychological and physical problems. Pharmaceuticals aren't always the answer when it comes to physical health. It is important to find new and effective methods to increase hunger levels and the desire to eat in these people.
A study carried out by Martínez-González MA. PhD from the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University of Navarra, Pamplona- Spain, counted 2862 female individuals between the ages of 12 - 21 years, and revealed that among the risk factors for the appearance of this disorder are:
o Individuals tend to eat without the company of other people
o The parents are not married
o Listen / Watch radio / television programs that promote superficial fashion and lifestyle standards or incentivize achieving “the perfect body”.
There is different research that suggests a strong correlation between the endocananbinoid system and eating disorders, including obesity.
Here at www.integrityhempceuticals.com we have a stock of CBD oils to help improve these conditions, in turn we will detail more information about it and how CBD oil can increase hunger and reduce the impact that these disorders have on the body. As well as can help improve the functions in the endocannabinoid system in other types of disorders such as bulimia and binge eating disorder.
CBD has been reported to increase appetite, decrease anxiety, and improve mood and depression. Symptoms that describe or deepen these disorders.
But the first thing to do is learn about these disorders and how to recognize them.
Classification of eating disorders
• Bulimia nervosa
• Anorexia nervosa (restrictive type)
• Anorexia nervosa (purgative type)
• Binge eating disorder.
Bulimia nervosa
Condition described as a combination of binge eating and cleansing, as well as an excessive assessment of body shape. In general, these patients consume high amounts of calories in a short period of time. Afterward, laxatives, enemas, diuretics, vigorous exercise, and self-induced vomiting are used t
o get rid of food.
Anorexia nervosa (restrictive type)
It is characterized by unnecessary weight loss and extreme dietary restrictions. The fear of being fat and the association with an irrational image of the body are the causes. Sometimes the affected person is hungry to a life-threatening extent. Affected people also avoid food-related activities, affecting interpersonal quality of life.
Anorexia nervosa (purgative type)
It is characterized by people who typically do not eat large amounts of food, yet they purge the little amount of food that has been ingested. On the other hand, people are typically significantly underweight. Unlike those with Bulimia who tend to be within the normal to obese weight ranges. In both circumstances, the same feeling of guilt is present. Occasionally, behaviors that include binge eating can be used as a means of losing body mass.
Binge eating disorder
It is an eating disorder that is identified when a person has binge eating problems, all at the same time, and during this period they feel out of control. It should be noted that binge eating disorder is not the same as eating a lot at times. A person with this disorder eats uncontrollably at least once a week for at least 3 months.
The symptoms of binge eating disorder are: eating until you feel uncomfortably full, eating much faster than normal, eating without feeling hungry, eating alone or on the sly frequently, feeling angry, ashamed, guilty or depressed about your eating habits.
Can CBD help to treat eating disorders?
One of the reasons CBD is known is for its ability to stimulate the appetite. In fact, it has been used to treat anorexia and other abnormal eating habits for thousands of years. Experts agree that unhealthy eating disorders are often based on psychological and physiological factors.
How does CBD affect eating disorders?
According to recent studies, the endocannabinoid system present in our body has an important influence on the mood of the person and their response to food.
CBD as an active ingredient in cannabis stimulates the appetite and therefore helps in cases of eating disorders.
What is CBD?
Surely, you have heard at some point that the cannabis plant is composed of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD among the main ones. But what are cannabinoids? Well, there are more than 400 chemicals that have been found so far in this plant and that have various properties, although they are still under investigation.
This cannabinoid (CBD) is more abundant in hemp than in the leaves and flowers of cannabis. Due to its properties, its use is mainly medicinal and therapeutic, even in eating disorders such as anorexia.
How does the endocannabinoid system work in the ingestion of food?
In our body there is a system called endocannabinoid (SEC), which is responsible for maintaining the balance of all the body's functions. It influences a large number of daily behaviors that the body has. It also does it in food intake, so it has a relationship with different disorders.
SEC is made up of cannabinoid receptors called CB1 and CB2, as well as an external cannabinoid called anandamide. CB1 receptors, specifically, are related to appetite, promoting it and associating the reward with food. This is why, if there is a deficiency with CB1, eating disorders may occur.
When we speak of anorexia, as mentioned previously, we refer to a condition of a psychiatric nature. Consequently, it is believed that an alteration in CB1 receptors can lead to the development of this type of pathology. However, the investigation of the application of the functionality of these receptors for this specific area is still the subject of vast scientific research.
Since anorexia is considered a psychiatric illness, CB1 receptors may be involved. CBD acts on this receptor by regulating cannabinoid deficiencies in the body. In this way, this component of cannabis could again generate a reward and pleasure response in the body after the meal.
If you want to improve your situation, CBD can help you. You can get it in the form of an oil, of which a couple of drops are applied under the tongue for better absorption.
We offer you our full broad spectrum with a delicious orange flavor and fragrance, to complement your supplementation and regulate your endocannabinoid system.
To conclude, medicine has sought different solutions to disorders such as anorexia or bulimia and obesity through different medications and therapies, but there is always someone who goes out of the way and looks for other alternatives. That's when cannabis makes its entrance, as its phytocannabinoids have been shown to interact with receptors in the endocannabinoid system and can regulate appetite and eating.
Much research remains to be done in this field. However, the results that have been obtained so far allow us to appreciate that certain cannabinoids such as CBD and THC can help combat cases of anorexia, not only by regulating appetite, but also by antidepressant and calming effects.
The role of the endocannabinoid system in eating disorders: Neurochemical and behavioural preclinical evidence, Scherma M, Fattore L, Castelli MP, Fratta W, Fadda P.
Crippa, J. A. S., Derenusson, G. N., Ferrari, T. B., Wichert-Ana, L., Duran, F. L., Martin-Santos, R., … & Filho, A. S. (2011). Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(1), 121-130.